From Vine to VSD: ALUP OF Series Oil-Free Compressor for a Winery Customer


This case study expands on the installation of a  ALUP OF Series oil-free compressor for a winery customer  in New Zealand. Facing reliability issues with their existing compressors, the winery needed a proactive solution to ensure continuous, reliable air supply for their operations and Nitrogen Generator. Through diligent efforts and expertise, Ash Air recommended the state-of-the-art VSD unit, providing scalability and efficiency benefits.

Product range:   ALUP Oil-Free Variable Speed Drive (VSD) 75 KW (100 HP) - Class Zero - Rotary Screw Compressor

The issue:  The winery faced critical reliability issues with their existing compressors, necessitating a proactive solution to ensure uninterrupted oil-free compressed air supply for their operations and Nitrogen Generator.

Technology:  This included a Variable Speed Drive (VSD) for the rotary screw compressors, an upgrade kit formulated by the Ash Air Technical Support Manager, and an EControl 6 central controller for managing the compressed air system.

Business type:  Winery

Location: Auckland, North Island, New Zealand

Contact our team about our Oil Free Series of Screw Compressors  for your business today! Contact our team about our Oil Free Series of Screw Compressors  for your business today!


The winery faced reliability issues with their existing 75kW and 55kW Mitsui compressors, which were becoming increasingly unreliable over time. As the customer relies on oil-free compressed air to supply their plant and Nitrogen Generator, any breakdown could disrupt their operations significantly. Therefore, they needed a proactive solution to replace the failing compressors and ensure a continuous, reliable air supply.

The solution:

Ash Air worked diligently to address the winery's needs. They recommended and secured the sale of the ALUP OF Series 'OF100V-8.6 75kW' oil-free compressor. This state-of-the-art Variable Speed Drive (VSD) unit not only meets the current demand for oil-free compressed air but also provides scalability for future expansion. The customer also opted for data logging to monitor performance and ensure optimal efficiency.

The Results:

The  installation of ALUP OF Series compressor benefits the winery by providing a reliable, oil-free compressed air solution. This purchase ensures continuity of operations, especially during peak seasons, and lays the foundation for potential future expansion with a second unit for 100% redundancy. Our Engineers and the team involved are commended for their hard work, and this sale highlights Ash Air's dedication to delivering innovative solutions to its customers. Watch this space for further developments and successes in this partnership!

Creating exceptional partnerships throughout New Zealand with innovative technologies

 How VSD (variable speed drive) helps you save

As a majority of customers have a fluctuating demand for compressed air, variable speed compressors have proven to be superior to fixed speed compressors when it comes to reducing the energy costs. By matching the air supply to the air demand, unload losses are avoided, and energy costs decrease on average by 35%.


Products of Choice for this project

ALUP Oil-Free Variable Speed Drive Compressors

 ALUP OF range brings you outstanding sustainability, reliability and performance, while minimizing the total cost of ownership. Built to perform even in the harshest environments, these compressors keep your production running efficiently.

Class Zero Oil-Free

Some applications require absolutely, unquestionably clean air. That is why the ALUP OF delivers air that is certified to be 100% free of any traces of oil, aerosols or other contaminants. 

Why Efficiency Matters?

Energy costs represent about 70% of the total operating cost of your compressor over a 5-year period. Therefore, reducing the energy consumption of your compressed air installation should be a major focus to ensure the lowest cost of ownership.

Exclusive Inverter Design

The imperium* inverter is designed specifically for compressed air applications, eliminating the usual sensitivity to dust and heat. The electronics are intelligently protected by an IP5X enclosure which dissipates heat via a fan-cooled heat sink.

Browse ALUP OF SERIES  by Ash Air Browse ALUP OF SERIES  by Ash Air

ALUP Oil-Free Variable Speed Drive Compressor - 75 - 220 HP range - Class Zero

ALUP Oil-Free Variable Speed Drive Compressor - 75 - 220 HP range - Class Zero

Product Enquiry Product Enquiry

Download the ALUP OF Series rotary screw compressor brochure here

About Ash Air: 

Ash Air has been around in New Zealand since 1979, and we’ve grown into a nationwide company with international support and a reputation for quality and reliability. We look after all things compressed air for your business!

  • Reciprocating, rotary screw air compressors
  • Vacuum pumps and blowers
  • Nitrogen Generation
  • An extensive line of air treatment components

Our technicians are compressed air equipment experts and are dedicated to addressing customer needs.  Ash Air offers one of the widest selections of compressed air equipment and parts available today in New Zealand.

Reliability and Efficiency

With Ash Air compressors, you can count on reliability and high performance for even the most demanding applications. We focus our efforts on the following:

  • Increasing uptime
  • Reducing unexpected repairs
  • Reducing energy consumption
  • Improving the cleanliness of compressed air

Ash Air's range of Chicago Pneumatic, Alup air compressors, Pneumatech industrial gases and Atlas Copco vacuum pumps are used extensively around the world in industries ranging from oil and gas to food, automotive and farming.